Wells Hall Primary School

Wraparound Care

Wells Hall offers a Breakfast Club every week day.  We have 2 options for drop off sessions: 7.45am and 8.00am

  • Sunrisers Breakfast Club – £3.50

Children can choose from cereal or toast and a choice of drink.

Wells Hall also offers an After School Club every week day.  We have 3 options for sessions:

  • 4.30pm pick up – £4.50
  • 5.30pm pick up – £8.50
  • 6.00pm pick up – £9.50

The children will all be given a snack and a drink initially, those staying until 5.30pm will then be given a more substantial snack and more drinks after 4.30pm.

Please use your Arbor App to book the sessions you require for Breakfast and After School Club. http://login.arbor.sc

Both of these clubs are run by Wells Hall staff known to the children.