Wells Hall Primary School

Ethos & Values

Our School Ethos

  • In our school we work hard to encourage positive attitudes, independent learning, a sense of pride and high achievement.
  • Wells Hall pupils are motivated learners who ask questions and listen to and respect others.
  • They take pride in their work, demonstrate positive learning habits and strive to do their best.
  • Our pupils have the confidence to try new things and the resilience to persevere even if things get challenging. They see a mistake as a learning opportunity not a failure and are keen to build on their mistakes to develop greater understanding.
  • Our children are respectful to the people they meet, their own local environment and the wider world.
  • The school strives to create polite, well-mannered caring members of our community who understand and respect everybody’s differences and needs.

Putting it into Action

All staff work alongside the children to model our values. Classrooms are well organised, welcoming places where learning and care for others are central. Children are treated equally and with respect. Children’s development, educationally and socially is made relevant to them and they are challenged so they can reach their full potential. They are encouraged to take an active role in their learning with many opportunities for child-led learning. Adults in our school are committed to lifelong learning and have the confidence to try new & creative ways of teaching. All staff are committed to enriching learning not just within the classrooms but also through creative use of our school grounds and the local environment, extra-curricular provision, special events, educational visits and through links with home.

In our school community parents/carers are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s learning. They should be supportive of their own children and of the ethos of the school. Home learning is of great importance and our pupils achievements are celebrated both at home and at school. Parents/carers are always welcomed into school in a variety of roles and through special events. They help us to model positive behaviour and demonstrate respect and courtesy to the whole school community.

Governors have an integral role in the school community. They spend time understanding the running and the ethos of our school and offer support and guidance. Through regular visits they have an understanding of the curriculum and the needs of the children. Governors offer support and challenge thus ensuring that pupils receive the best education possible. They offer motivation to the whole community through praise and support. The Governing body have a detailed knowledge of the school and act as a ‘critical friend’ facilitating discussion about all aspects of school life.