At Wells Hall, we recognise that life can be difficult for families at times.
For this reason, we are keen to provide support to you and your children in times of need. Our pastoral team can offer support in a number of ways:
Welfare support
If you are struggling financially then, please speak to us about:
- Funded breakfast club/ after school club places
- Support with paying for school trips
- Our very own ‘Top-up Shed’
- Support with school uniform (new and/or used)
In-school support for emotional/mental health needs
Your children access a curriculum that supports them in understanding and managing their emotions and mental health needs.
For most children, this will enable them to develop effective strategies to regulate their emotions and manage day-to-day life.
Some children, however, require a more personalised approach to managing their mental health needs. This is why we offer a range of support mechanisms within school. There is often high demand for these spaces and therefore they are allocated on a need’s basis. Possible support consists of:
- Friendship group support
- Support from an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
- Support from Thrive Practitioner
- Sessions with a Play Therapist (for more severe mental health needs)
Referrals to external agencies
At times, your child and/or family may need help that is beyond that which school can provide. In these instances, we will support you by referring on to external agencies such as:
- Schools Nursing team – for health advice and signposting of other support services
- Neurodevelopmental pathway (NDD)
- Emotional Wellbeing Hub (EWH)
- Early Help at Suffolk Children and Young People’s Service (CAF)
- Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH team)
- Number 72 – support with financial advice and counselling services
- Foodbank
Enhanced education offer
In order to enhance our PSHE curriculum, we invite a range of specialists into school, on occasions, to work with your children.
These include, but are not limited to: Our local Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), One Stop Cop Shop, OM Health and Consulting and One Life Suffolk.
We aim to advise families when their child’s class are having a visitor in and typically offer an overview of what these sessions will cover.
Attendance support
The best way for you to support your child’s learning is to ensure that they attend school, on time, each school day. If you are struggling to ensure your child’s attendance, please speak to the pastoral team about how we can support you with this.
As a team, we do follow up on non-attendance – this may include telephone calls or doorstep visits to see how we can help you, as a family, to improve your child’s attendance.
How to contact us
If you need Early Help Support, then please speak to a member of the pastoral team (Kelly Ashford, Kelly Davies, or Jen Roberds).