Our children say…
“We have lots of new lessons, which are interesting”
“Active Week was the best week, the climbing wall was amazing”
“We love doing our Year 5 and Year 6 play at the end of the year”

Upper Key Stage 2
Year 5
Banksy Class
Teacher: Miss Turner
Support Staff: Mrs Howard
Dali Class
Teacher: Miss Corley
Support Staff: Mrs Rivett
Year 6
Lovelace Class
Teacher: Mr Page
Support Staff: Mrs Brown
Pankhurst Class
Teacher: Mrs Anderson
Support Staff: Mr Dunne
Ciao from the courageous corridors of Upper Key Stage Two
We are made up of 4 classes… Brilliant Bansky class and dignified Dahl class in Year 5 and the lovable Lovelace class and priceless Pankhurst class in Year 6.
In Upper Key Stage 2, children are provided with the highest quality of education, in an environment underpinned by our key values of respect, responsibility and resilience. Pupils can acquire the skills and knowledge appropriate to their individual needs, where they are encouraged to ‘reach for the stars’ through our exciting and ambitious curriculum.
To support our English curriculum, Key Stage 2 children also have two very well-stocked libraries to choose books from, which helps to promote a lifelong enjoyment of reading and a love of books.
Pupils are also provided with engaging learning opportunities and life experiences as part of our wider curriculum offer. These include residential trips in Years 4 and 6, whole school theatre trips, museum visits and even a planetarium visit as part of Year 5’s earth and space topic.